Once you signup, you can download the software & can register yourself once. After registration, you will be able to use the software free upto three projects. We have a written a quick guide to provide you a walkthrough of the software. Please check it here: How to use FilterPixel: Quick Guide
We started with offline and shifted to online to ensure high speed during culling without any loads on the machine. Our offline version will be available soon.
We don't store any of your uploaded data to our servers, we extract JPEGS from Raw files, resize them, compress them, convert them into human unreadable formats and then upload it to our server to get the results. We don't store any of your image data on our servers. Compliance: We are GDPR and CalOppa compliant You can read more about our privacy poliicies here: Privacy Policies
We support all formats from DNG, CR2, NEF, ARW, JPEG to CR3 In case, you face any issue, please drop us a note here.
FilterPixel writes all it's data inside meta files (.XMP) format which any software like Lightroom can read. Once done, you can export files from FilterPixel to your system or to Lightroom.
Yes, our API is in alpha and would be available for anyone to use within this year.
We have not revealed our pricing yet, so stay tuned.
After the trial, our team will contact you to receive feedback & your interest to buy the software.
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